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Come and discover the latest Superman comic now as he fights to protect the ones he loves from the evil plans of Lex Luthor.


About Us

Welcome to the incredible world of DC Comics! For decades, we've been at the forefront of the comic book industry, bringing to life iconic superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. With our talented team of creators and a commitment to storytelling, we strive to entertain and inspire fans worldwide. From our headquarters in Burbank, California, we expand beyond comics, collaborating with Warner Bros. Entertainment to bring our heroes to the big screen, small screen, and video games. Join us as we continue to push the boundaries of imagination and embark on thrilling adventures in the DC Universe.

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Our Characters


Clark Kent



Bruce Wayne


Wonder Woman

Diana Prince

Wonder Woman

The Flash

Barry Allen

The Flash

Green Lantern

Hal Jordan

Green Lantern


Arthur Curry



Victor Stone


The Batman Who Laughs

Bruce Wayne

Batman Who Laughs

Why Choose Us

Iconic Characters

DC Comics is home to some of the most iconic and beloved superheroes of all time, including Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. These characters have a rich history and have captivated audiences for generations with their compelling stories and enduring legacies.

Diverse Storytelling

Diverse Storytelling: DC Comics offers a wide range of storytelling genres, from superhero adventures to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Their comics explore complex themes, tackle social issues, and provide readers with diverse and engaging narratives that cater to different interests and tastes.

Multimedia Universe

DC Comics has expanded beyond the comic book medium, establishing a vast multimedia universe. With collaborations across films, television shows, and video games, DC Comics offers fans a rich and immersive experience, allowing them to engage with their favorite characters and stories across various platforms.


"DC Comics has been my go-to source for incredible storytelling and unforgettable characters. From the epic adventures of Batman to the empowering journeys of Wonder Woman, DC Comics never fails to captivate me. Their dedication to diverse storytelling and pushing creative boundaries is truly commendable. I'm proud to be a fan!"

Oliver Queen

"As a lifelong comic book enthusiast, DC Comics has been a constant source of inspiration and excitement for me. The depth and complexity of their characters, coupled with the immersive storytelling, always leave me craving for more. Whether through their comics, films, or animated series, DC Comics never fails to transport me to extraordinary worlds filled with heroes and villains that resonate with me on a personal level."

Kyle Rainer

"DC Comics has an incredible ability to transport me into different worlds and ignite my imagination. From the dynamic artwork to the gripping narratives, their comics have kept me hooked for years. I love how they embrace diversity and inclusivity, showcasing heroes from different backgrounds and perspectives. It's empowering to see characters that reflect the world we live in. DC Comics is more than just comics; it's a community where fans come together to celebrate and discuss the incredible stories that have shaped our lives."

Rip Hunter

"I've been a fan of DC Comics since I was a child, and they continue to impress me with their commitment to innovation. Their bold storytelling choices, unexpected plot twists, and the way they constantly reinvent their characters make each comic a thrilling adventure. I love how they seamlessly integrate their universe across various media platforms, allowing me to engage with my favorite heroes in movies, TV shows, and video games. DC Comics has truly set the standard for excellence in the comic book industry."

Slade Wilson

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We're thrilled to announce that James Gunn, the visionary filmmaker behind the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, has joined the DC family as the new head of DC Comics!

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Matt Reeves talks about The Batman

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